2D_Fast_Fourier_Transform_OpenMPI 2D Fast Fourier Transform (2D FFT) parallel algorithm using OpenMPI. The algorithm is implemented in C and it is based on the Cooley-Tukey iterative algorithm. ☆5 ML_reports A collection of reports about Machine Learning projects. ☆4 cloud-project-2024 Project for the Cloud Computing class of 2023-2024 ☆3 CSVtoRelaX Convert CSV file to readable RelaX format ☆1 Sudoku-Computer-Vision Number extraction from sudoku games using computer vision preprocessing ☆1 zamb0.github.io Hugo portfolio website ☆1 Progetto-D22 Progetto studenti (gruppo ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) ☆0 zamb0 Config files for my GitHub profile. ☆0 zenml-mlflow A project to explore and learn about ZenML and mlflow using the hymenoptera dataset from PyTorch ☆0